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Kozlowski Family Website

Absolute Commitments

A politician has been described as one who will make any compromise to be elected. A statesman will pay any price to stand by his convictions. I seek to serve in public office with my convictions, not in spite of them.

I hereby pledge to live by the commitments described below. If I fail to do so, I will resign from my position and expect the voters to encourage my removal.

I am aware that such a pledge places me at great risk. I am opening myself up to circumstances where someone will twist a statement or event to demonstrate failure. Nevertheless, I must take this stand.

Most of my commitments are character issues that many have claimed to be irrelevant in the political world. I must wholeheartedly disagree. Character matters! How can anyone be trusted to live up to their public statements when they fail to do so in their private lives?

All of these commitments describe personal practice. All of them are things I would advocate to others. Very little of what I am committed to would I try to impose on others through legislation.

To live my faith I am a Christian. By that, I mean that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and I try to live by the teachings of the Bible. This does not mean that I am faultless in this area. It does mean that in general, my lifestyle is dictated by my faith.
To love my wife On May 19, 1990, I wed Miss Dorothy-Jane Cross, after 34 years of sexual abstinence. I loved her enough to commit my life to her and now I am committed to love her for the rest of our lives.
To observe the Lord’s Day If I am to practice my faith, and if I am to love my family, then I must provide the time that is required. The Lord requires a day of rest. How that is viewed varies between denominations. For me, Sunday is a day for corporate worship and family time. It is not a day for business, nor a day for campaigning. Except for worship and family, I will be unavailable on Sunday.
To be debt-free A proverb states "the borrower is servant to the lender." If my campaign borrows money then I may be tempted to compromise in order to raise the funds to pay the debt. To prevent that, I am committed to a debt-free campaign. Kozlowski For Congress will make no expenditure until the funds to pay for it are in hand.

In early 1996, my wife and I committed to no new debt. In less than two years, our debt load dropped by two thirds. We have refused to be servant to any other lender.

By living this commitment, I have a much stronger position to advocate a debt-free government. Our government, and the taxpayers that support it, should never be servant to any lender, foreign or domestic.

To be Pro-Life I will never vote for any bill that permits, promotes, or funds abortion.
To oppose franking I will not use and will vote to eliminate franking privileges, the ability to send out mass mailings at taxpayer expense. Current privileges require taxpayers to fund informational mailings even when they are clearly designed to promote an incumbent’s campaign.


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